New World, New Record


As I write this, I feel like we’re all in a strange new world these days. In one sense we have lost touch - quite literally - with each other. In another, we are all reaching out in incredible ways to keep the contact we so desperately need as beings on this planet.

As I wrote this last record I was re-reading a book that struck a chord with me when I first picked it up years ago. It’s called The Swerve by Steven Greenblatt. It’s the story about the Roman philosopher Lucretius and his treatise De Rerum Natura or On the Nature of Things. Sounds like heady stuff, but it’s really just about how we are all connected - all of us - animals, earth, the stars, humans. We are all of the same stuff - atoms. So I decided to name my album Atomic.

I had been thinking about connection anyway - as my brother and sister as I navigated life after our parents passed. As my fiancé’s family supported us and gathered us into their arms. As we spent time together at my brother’s house in the Redwoods - staring up at the stars and walking among those mighty giants. We are all connected. We are all one.


Something Holy